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Moffat County Republican Central Committee

Bylaws 2017

ARTICLE I. NAME. This organization shall be known as the "Moffat County Republican Central Committee."

ARTICLE II. OBJECTIVES. The objectives of the Central Committee shall be as follows:

A. To provide a vehicle for the recognition and accomplishment of sound government in Moffat County, the State of Colorado, and the United States of America.

B. To have a strong Republican organization staffed by persons dedicated to the Republican philosophies and principles.

C. To educate electors in the principles of, and to enlist them in, the Republican Party.

D. To disseminate political information about the affairs of our Country and to define the issues at stake.

E. To encourage the selection of the best candidates possible.

F. To support all Republican Party candidates who are unopposed or have been nominated by the primary election process.

G. To raise funds for the Republican Party.

H. To encourage citizens to exercise their American right to vote, and be involved in the political process.


Section 1. All provisions of the statutes of the State of Colorado applicable to party organizations and party central committees shall be considered a part of these By-Laws and shall supersede any provisions herein in conflict therewith. (Colorado Election Code- Title 1, Article 43 Section 122 Inclusive)

Section 2. No Republican candidate for any designation or nomination for public office shall be endorsed, supported or opposed by members of the Executive Committee prior to the primary, unless such candidate is unopposed.

Section 3. The Moffat County Republican Central Committee shall be referred to herein as the "Central Committee".


Section 1. The regular voting members of the Central Committee shall be:

a. The elected officers of the Central Committee;

b. The Republican precinct committeemen and committeewomen of Moffat County

c. The Chairperson or President of other affiliated Moffat County Republican organizations; as determined by the Central Committee

d. The elected Republican county public officials, the state senators and representatives, the United States senators and representatives, the elected state public officials and the district attorney who meet the criteria of Article IV, Section 3.

Section 2. All Republican elected county public officials, state senators and representatives, elected state public officials and district attorney who reside out of the County and shall be non-voting members of the Central Committee.

Section 3. All voting members shall reside and be registered as Republicans in the County.


Section 1. Required Meetings

a. The organizational meeting for the Central Committee shall be held between the 1st and 15th of February of the odd-numbered years. Its purpose shall be to elect a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, and to conduct other business that may properly come before it.

b. The Central Committee shall also meet on the Tuesday immediately preceding the date of the County Assembly and/or Convention for the purpose of considering the recommendations of the resolutions committee; other appropriate resolutions and to conduct other business that may properly come before it.


c. The Central Committee or designated sub-committee shall meet at least

once per quarter to review legislation and/or government policy matters at all

levels of government that may impact Moffat County and to draft as required, for

Central Committee consideration, resolutions to advise state and national

Republican party affiliates as well as local government officials of the Central

Committee’s position on matters of importance or concern. This meeting may be

combined with other Central Committee meetings held during the quarterly time


Section 2. Meetings: Regular and Special

a. Shall be held at the time and place designated by the Central Committee.

b. Upon the Call of the Chairperson Vice-chairperson or (in the event of an emergency, when both the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson are absent) upon the call of the Secretary.

c. Upon the written request of one-third of the voting members. The meeting shall be called by the Chairperson within ten (10) days after receipt of such a request. The meeting shall be held within fifteen (15) days of the Call.

Section 3. Official Call

a. The official call shall be in writing, including email, and mailed to the last address of each member on file with the Secretary.

b. The mailing shall be made no fewer than ten (10) days before the date of the meeting.

c. The call shall state the time and place of the meeting; and the business to be conducted. Business of the meeting shall not necessarily be limited to matters stated in the call, except in case of a special meeting.

Section 4. Voting

a. Voting with the exception of the election of officers, shall be by voice or rising vote.

b. A person holding multiple offices shall not be entitled to more than one vote.

Section 5. Quorum

A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Executive and Central Committee present at the meeting.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. Duties

a. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to serve as an advisory committee to the Central Committee, and to perform other duties as directed by the Chairperson or as described in these bylaws.

b. The Executive Committee shall promote harmony.

c. The Executive Committee shall decide by majority vote whether sufficient evidence exists to declare a vacancy on the Central Committee because of permanent absence or disability.

d. The Executive Committee shall hear and determine party controversies other than delegate contests.

Section 3. Meetings

a. Executive Committee meetings shall convene upon the call of the Chairperson.


When necessary, meetings can also be called by another member of the Executive Committee. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least ten (10) days notice shall be given.

b. Meetings may be open to non-Executive Committee members at the discretion of the chairman, or majority vote of the members present and voting.

Section 4. Voting

a. Voting shall be by regular members only, in person or by proxy.

b. At every meeting of the Central Committee, each regular member shall be entitled to one vote on any matter brought before the Central Committee. The affirmative vote of a majority of regular members represented at any meeting for which a quorum has been established shall be the act of the Central Committee.

c. The manner of voting shall be by a voice vote unless a roll call or secret ballot is requested by any one of the regular members present.

d. Any regular member of the Central Committee may vote at any meeting thereof by proxy provided the following requirements are met:

1) The proxy shall be in writing, dated and signed by the member.

2) The individual designated in and by the proxy shall be a registered Republican who shall reside in the same precinct or be a member of the same organization as the member except that proxies from elected officials may be voted regardless of precinct residence.

3) The proxy shall be delivered to the presiding officer of the meeting prior to the vote to which it applies and shall apply to a single meeting.

4) The proxy shall not be voted if the member is present at the meeting. Any member of the Central Committee shall have the right to examine the proxies prior to the taking of the vote.


Section 1. Officers.

a. The elected officers shall be Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, or Secretary and Treasurer.

b. The officers shall reside, and be registered Republicans, within the county.


c. The officers shall assume their duties at the close of the organizational meeting and shall serve for a term of two years, or until their successors are elected.

d. When new officers are elected, all existing records shall be turned over to them within two (2) weeks.

Section 2. Duties

The Chairperson shall:
1. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Central Committee.
2. Issue the call at all meetings of the Central Committee, the executive committee and the vacancy committee.
3. Observe and enforce the bylaws and rules of the Central Committee.
4. Appoint all standing and special committees.
5. Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
6. Perform functions as outlined in the Colorado State Bylaws, Article XVI; Rules for Counties and Districts, Sections (a), (b), and (c):

(a) Instruct the Secretary to provide the Colorado Secretary of State and the Colorado Republican Central Committee chairman with a list of officers in Moffat County.
(b) Provide a list of all candidates for public office in Moffat County to the chairman of the Colorado Republican Central Committee.
(c) Provide a written list authenticating all delegates and alternates elected by Moffat County to any state of congressional convention, specifying the numerical order in which alternates were elected to the Colorado Republican Central Committee chairman and to the appropriate district chairman.

The Vice-Chairperson shall:
1. Exercise the functions of the Chairperson in his/her absence, during his/her inability to perform, or at his/her request.
2. Perform other duties the chairperson may prescribe.

The Secretary shall:
1. Be the chief clerical officer of the Central Committee and executive committee proceedings.
2. Have ready, at least three days prior to the convening of each county assembly and/or convention, a temporary roll of the delegates entitled to participate, with copies of the Central Committee officers. The roll shall be prepared from the credentials of uncontested delegates placed upon the temporary roll by the Central Committee.
3. Serve as secretary at all county assemblies and/or conventions.
4. Prepare and verify all credentials for delegates and certificates showing designations made by the county assembly and/or conventions.
5. Perform other duties the chairman may prescribe.

The Treasurer shall:
1. Be custodian of all funds, financial books, papers, records, and proceedings of the Central Committee and the Republican county assembly and/or convention, and report to the Central Committee when and as, the committee requires.
2. File a quarterly treasurer's report with the Central Committee.
3. File all financial reports, as required by law.
4. Perform other duties the chairman may prescribe.
5. Shall NOT serve on an “in-house” audit committee. The audit committee will be appointed by the Chairperson in November of preceding year and an annual report

given to the central committee at the organizational meeting in February.



Section 1.

a. In the event of a vacancy in any elected office of the Central Committee (chairman, vice-chairman, secretary or treasurer), the members of the Central Committee shall constitute the vacancy committee. Within thirty (30) days of the vacancy the committee shall meet and propose any candidate(s) to fill such vacancy. Formal approval and/or election of any candidate(s) selected by the vacancy committee must take place at a special meeting of the Central Committee called for such purpose, within the time specified. A quorum of the Central Committee is required.

b. In the event of a vacancy in any elected office where, under law or in terms of protocol, a vacancy committee either has the right to appoint a successor or to

recommend who should be appointed as a successor. The Central Committee will appoint a vacancy committee that consists of the four officers of the Executive Committee and three at large members of the Central Committee. The three at large positions will be chosen from interested members and chosen by lot if more than three wish to serve on the committee. In the event that three members are not interested in serving, three (3) members will be appointed by the Chairman so that the membership of the vacancy committee is an uneven number.

Section 2. Precinct committee person vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the chairperson from a list provided by the vacancy committee. This appointment will expire on the date of the next precinct caucus and committee person election.

Section 3. A precinct committee person position may be declared vacant when:

a. The committee person resigns.

b. The committee person has failed to attend two (2) consecutive Central Committee meetings without being excused by the chairperson.

c. No longer resides in the precinct.


Section 1. Executive Committee nominations shall be made as follows:

a. A nominating committee shall be formed to name a complete slate of officers for the Republican Central Committee.

b. Candidates for officers may be nominated from the floor of the organizational meeting.

c. Nominations for any office shall be made only by members of the Central Committee in person.

Section 2. Elections

Officers shall be elected by majority vote, using a secret ballot, unless there is only one nominee for the office. In that case, election shall be by voice vote.

ARTICLE X. SUB-COMMITTEES. The chairman shall appoint the following sub-committees:

a. Assemblies and Caucus Committees
b. Finance Committee
c. Resolutions Committee
d. Audit Committee

e. Other committees as are necessary

The Chairperson may appoint such other sub-committees as may be deemed necessary and they shall serve as long as needed to accomplish their purpose. Chairperson or members of any sub-committee need not be members of the Central Committee provided they are registered Republicans of Moffat County. 


Section 1. Precinct caucuses shall be held on the date prescribed by the state (CRS 1-3-102) (typically the second Tuesday in April), in even-numbered years, at a place proximate to each precinct determined by the Central Committee, and as posted as required by law, or such other time as required by law.

Section 2. Voting members shall have been:

a. A resident of the precinct for at least thirty days (30) days; and
b. Registered as a Republican for at least two (2) months, as shown by the registration books of the County Clerk and Recorder. However, any registered Republican who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years, or has become a naturalized citizen, within the two (2) months immediately preceding the caucus, may be a candidate for precinct office even though he or she has been affiliated with the Republican party for less than two (2) months.
c. An elector who moves from the precinct during the 29 days prior to the caucus may participate and vote at the precinct caucus, but shall not be eligible as a delegate or nomination as precinct committee person in the former precinct. (CRS 1-3-101)

Section 3. Procedure

a. Elect a Chairperson and Secretary to preside for the caucus.

b. Elect the number of delegates and alternates to the county assembly and/or convention stated in the call published by the Central Committee.

1. Majority vote shall elect.
2. A tie for the last available place shall be determined by lot.
3. Cumulative voting (which allows an elector to give more than one vote to a single candidate) shall not be permitted.
4. Any person who has indicated in writing to one of his precinct committeepersons in advance of the caucus a desire to serve as a delegate to the county assembly and who is unable to be present at the precinct caucus shall be eligible to be elected a delegate or alternate.

c. Elect two precinct committee people (Colorado Election Laws 1-3-102) to serve for a term of two (2) years after the date of election.

1. Majority vote shall elect.
2. A tie shall be determined by lot.
3. The names of committee people elected shall be certified to the county assembly/convention by the presiding officers of the caucus. (1-3-102).
4. In case of vacancy of elected committee people who has moved from the precinct, or in the event of death, etc., replacement shall be selected by the chairman of the Central Committee to complete that term of office, to be ratified by members of the Central Committee at their next meeting.

d. Determine the nominees for delegates to higher assemblies and/or conventions, as required in Article XII, Section 3.

e. The results of the elections and nominations shall be certified by the precinct caucus chairperson or secretary and the results transmitted in written form to the secretary of the Central Committee within three (3) days after the precinct caucus in held.


Section 1. Delegates to the county assembly shall be elected at the precinct caucuses to be held at a time and place to be fixed by the Central Committee pursuant to law. The county assembly/convention shall be held not less than ten and not more than thirty days after such precinct caucuses. The Central Committee shall fix the number of delegates from each precinct to participate in the county assembly. The persons receiving the highest number of votes at the precinct caucus shall be the delegates to the county assembly/convention from each precinct. In the case of a tie, the delegate shall be selected by lot.

Section 2. At the time of electing the delegates to the county assembly, the precinct caucus shall also elect two committee persons. The two people receiving the highest number of votes shall be the elected committee persons. Ties shall be broken by casting lots. The names of the committee persons shall be certified to the county assembly by the officers of the caucus. The presiding officer and secretary of the county assembly/convention shall file a certified list of names and addresses of those persons elected, by precinct, with the County Clerk and Recorder of Moffat County within ten days after the county assembly/convention.


Section 1. Timing and number of delegates

County assemblies and/or conventions shall be held not less than ten (10) days, or more than thirty (30) days, after the precinct caucuses, at the time and place determined by the Central Committee, or as otherwise determined by State Law.

a. All delegates and alternates to Moffat County assemblies and conventions and to those assemblies or conventions of senatorial and representative districts wholly contained within Moffat County, shall be selected at their precinct caucuses according to Colorado statutes. The number of delegates and alternates are fixed by the Central Committee and shall be proportionally based on the Republican affiliation precinct statistics report provided by the County Clerk. The number shall be fixed based on two (2) percent of all registered Republicans per precinct. Each precinct will have a minimum of two (2) delegates. The list of delegates and alternates shall be certified by the precinct caucus Chairperson or Secretary. The results shall be transmitted in written form to the secretary of the Central Committee within five (5) days after the precinct caucus is held, or such delegation shall not be seated.

b. The call for the county assembly and/or convention shall include (in addition to the time, place and purpose) a statement of the number of delegates to be elected to the State and District assemblies and conventions. At the request of the chairperson, or any district lying wholly within such county, the call for the county assembly and/or convention shall include the call for the assembly of such district.

Section 2. Other assemblies

All other assemblies shall be held no later than fifty five (55) days before the primary election date.

Section 3. Delegates

Any delegate or alternate nominated to attend higher assemblies and/or conventions:

a. Should have attended his precinct caucus and county assembly and/or convention.

b. Must have been elected a delegate or alternate from his/her precinct to the Moffat County Assembly and/or Convention.

c. Must receive the endorsement of the plurality of persons present at the precinct caucus meeting from which he/she is nominated. Nominations from each precinct shall be in numerical order of caucus preference. The list of nominations shall be postmarked, or delivered, to the secretary of the Moffat County Republican Central Committee within three (3) days after the caucus.

Section 4. Precinct Committee people

The Presiding Officer and Secretary of the county assembly shall file a certified list of the names and addresses, by precinct, of those persons elected as precinct committee people with the County Clerk and Recorder, within ten (10) days after the date of the county assembly. (Colorado Election Laws. 1-3-102).

Section 5. Resolutions

Before any resolution may be considered by the county assembly and/or convention, it shall be referred to the resolutions committee of such body prior to the report of the resolutions committee.

a. The purpose of the resolutions committee and the Central Committee in considering possible resolutions under this section shall be to prevent those resolutions which are reasonably determined to be profane, salacious, libelous or otherwise without any reasonable merit from being presented and considered. As to other resolutions, the purpose is to create a mechanism whereby the substance of such resolutions are fair and balanced information concerning their purpose (including, where appropriate and necessary, pro and con statements) will be prepared and made available to the delegates prior to their presentation and consideration.

b. Permitted resolutions. Only the following resolutions will be eligible for consideration at the county assembly/or convention:

1. Those proposed and ultimately approved under the provisions of sub-paragraphs (c) and (d), below; and

2. Other resolutions presented and ultimately approved by the Central Committee at the meeting held under the provisions of Article V, Section 1 (b) .

c. Resolutions adopted by various Republican Central Committees throughout the State and submitted to the Moffat County Central Committee for possible adoption need not be considered by the resolutions committee. These resolutions may be considered by the Central Committee, as a whole at the meeting held under the provisions of Article V, Section 1 (b). However, as to such resolutions, the chairperson of the Central Committee shall have the option to refer any such resolution to the resolutions committee for its recommendations.

d. Resolutions which have been considered and passed by an affirmative vote at a precinct caucus and having been evaluated by the resolutions committee and approved by the Central Committee under the provisions of Article V, Section 1 (b)shall be forwarded to the Colorado State Republican Resolutions Committee for consideration at the State assembly/convention.

e. In its evaluation of resolutions referred to it, the resolutions committee shall be guided by the above statement of purpose and may;

1. Recommend the rejection of the proposed resolution.
2. Recommend the presentation of the resolution as drafted, passed or submitted.

3. Redraft the resolution and recommend its presentation as so redrafted. In so redrafting, the meaning or intent shall not be changed but the purpose shall be only

to clarify the intent and meaning of the resolution to facilitate its consideration.

f. As to meritorious resolutions which the resolutions committee believes are too lengthy or overbroad for meaningful consideration, it may require their condensations by the proponent or may themselves, prepare a condensed statement of the resolution for submission.

g. As to any resolution recommended for presentation, the resolutions committee may also prepare and recommend the simultaneous presentation of short pro and con statements explaining the rationale and/or possible effect of both sides of any controversial or complicated issue to which the resolution may be directed.

h. The recommendations of the resolutions committee shall be directed to the Central Committee and shall be considered at the meeting held under the provisions of Article V, Section 1 (b).

i. The Central Committee shall consider all proper resolutions before it at the meeting held under the provisions of Article V, Section (b), utilizing the above criteria and make the final decision concerning whether or not any proposed resolution will be presented at the county assembly and/or convention. Any resolution which achieves a thirty (30) percent affirmative vote ofthose in attendance at said meeting shall be presented to the county assembly and/or convention. The action so taken by the Central Committee in this regard shall be final.

j. A copy of the resolution and all other relevant and approved information shall be prepared and made available to each precinct at the county assembly and/or convention.

Section 6. Voting in Assemblies and Conventions.

a. County Assembly and/or Convention members shall vote from the compiled list of nominees, for delegates and alternates to attend higher assemblies and/or conventions. The persons elected are to be those receiving the highest number of votes sufficient to fill the required number of delegates and alternates to the assemblies and/or conventions. A delegate or alternate who moves from the county. thereafter shall become ineligible to serve as delegate or alternate to such assembly and/or convention.

b. No proxies shall be allowed or recognized in any assembly and/or convention. Any vacancy shall be filled by an alternate present from that precinct, selected from the list of alternates by numerical order, beginning with the first alternate.

c. What is commonly known as the "unit rule", in which the entire vote of a delegation is cast according to the majority vote within the delegation, shall not be enforced nor adhered too. Cumulative voting shall not be permitted. Percentages will be determined on the basis of the number of delegates credentialed and seated at the outset of the convention or assembly. Such number is to be announced by the chairperson. If a candidate receives within five (5%) of the required percentage, all votes will be automatically recounted.


Section 1. Funds for the operation of the program of the Central Committee shall be provided by the voluntary donations and/or any fund-raising effort which has prior approval of the Central Committee.

Section 2. All disbursal of funds shall be approved by the Central Committee prior to the expenditure.

Section 3. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year.


These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Central Committee, properly called, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the regular members present in person or by proxy; provided, however, that the Call of said meeting shall have contained therein notice of the proposed amendment (s) together with a copy of the provision(s) to be amended.


Section 1. "Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised" shall govern the Central Committee whenever they are applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws, the bylaws of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee or the Colorado Election Laws.

Section 2. Those persons entitled to recognition by the Chairperson at the county assembly and/or convention are as follows:

a. Duly credentialed and seated delegates
b. Any member of the Moffat County Central Committee
c. Any other person who, upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the credentialed and seated delegates is permitted to be recognized. (See footnote below.)

Footnote: It is anticipated that as a matter of procedure, at the beginning of the

county assembly and/or convention, the Chairman will entertain a motion to allow recognition of those Republican elected officials and candidates (or their representatives) who are in attendance and who wish to speak.




























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